Zala is a Slovenian architect, born in Kranj.
With her study at Faculty of architecture in Ljubljana she started her profession of architecture. From the very beginning she was seeking best possible solutions for specific problems. Instant or quick solutions never inspired her.
She has been improving her knowledge both in larger bureaus and smaller teams.
Therefore, the spectre of her projects so far is wide, from large residential neighborhoods, business and tourist facilities to smaller residential projects.
Her architecture is rather simple and minimalistic but well thought-out, and always supported by preliminary design studies and analyzies. Not only the appearance of the building is what she is interested in; in the first place she puts the dialog with the client. Only good teamwork between the architect, the client and contractors can lead to good results, that is what she believes. And only a good and well performed detail shows and supports the concept of the project and leading idea.
Architecture is engineering but also much more – to implement more – this is what challenges her again and again.